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Grasping the Basics: Your First HTML File

Well written HTML markup (as it's referred to) describes the structure of the content within a document. You can specify which bits of the document are headings, which bits are paragraphs, establish simple relationships between pieces of content and even set certain basic behavor.

That said, let's start with your first HTML file. You'll need a plain text editor (such as the default TextEdit on OS X, or Windows Notepad). Now:

· Start a new file.

· Type some text (like the classic "Hello world").

· Save the file, on your desktop for example, as "index.html" (the .html extension is pretty crucial here, but you'll have realized that.)

What's important is that a browser, when it realises it's dealing with an .html file, knows to process the contents as HTML. Technically, we haven't provided correct Flash Developer Visit Here, but browsers will cut you a lot of slack - the mere presence of the .html file extension tells our browser enough. We've only written a simple line of text, but look at how the browser actually interprets it:

Don't worry about this debugging window for now, it's just used to illustrate our point.

Grasping the Basics: HTML Tags

Before we dive into any resources it's necessary to get a few more basic principles under our belts. You remember the extra pieces of code our browser seemed to add? Those were HTML tags, the building blocks of HTML markup.

In this way we can build up sections of a web page; a header which contains headings and horizontal rules. Paragraphs which contain anchors and spans. Footers which contain lists which then contain links. This is the basis of building HTML structure.

Follow a Beginner's Course

Having grasped the absolute basics, it's time to move on and get a firm understanding of HTML fundamentals. There are a couple of courses which I recommend you take a look at, both of which are absolutely free and well worth following from start to finish.

Codeacademy Web Fundamentals is an engaging, interactive course, covering beginner level HTML before moving on to other things (like CSS). You'll find all the courses at Codeacademy very compelling as you build, on screen, whilst learning solid theory.

· Tuts+ Premium 30 Days to Learn HTML & CSS is a series of screencasts presented by Jeffrey Way. Pace yourself by setting aside ten or fifteen minutes each day for a month, watching one bite-sized screencast at a time. As the course itself states "everyone has the right to learn how to build wonderful things on the web".

Choose a Code Editor

Enough academia for the time being, let's take a break and checkout some tools to make our HTML coding easier. So far I've only suggested simple plain text editors for creating your HTML files. These are perfectly fine, but there are code editors available which you'll find far more intuitive to use.

· Syntax highlighting: Having your HTML tags display in one color, your content in another, comments and the various other aspects of HTML markup in yet another, makes for a much clearer document. Most code editors provide a number of different color schemes to choose from; some dark on light, some light on dark, some subtle, some... less so. Often, members of the community will put forward their own color schemes too. Go with whatever works for you.

· Code completion and hints: What's the correct tag to use for a table header row? I'm always forgetting. Luckily, many code editors will suggest tags and syntax for you once you begin typing. Some also provide extensive language documentation, so you can go and look up whatever it is you're confused about.

· Project management: Having all files at your finger tips is always useful when building a web project. Most code editors will show you your project file structure, allowing you to drill down folders, check assets and manage files quickly.

· Line numbers: A subtle advantage to a basic text editor, but seeing which line of code is on which line number will help enormously, especially when looking for errors.

Build Something!

It's high time you got your hands dirty and put your newfound skills to practice. Challenge yourself by building the HTML markup structure for the following things:

· A blank HTML page: That may not sound very interesting, but building an empty page will familiarize you with a standard HTML document and its components. Remember the !doctype, the <html> tag and the <body>. Concentrate on the <head> tag and all that lives nested within it, such as the <title>, <meta> tags and <link> tags.

· A blog article: Typographically speaking, an article can hold all the important players of HTML markup. Begin with an <article> itself, perhaps a <h2> heading, <p> tags of course, maybe dotted with <em>tags for emphasis, or <strong> text. You could even use less obvious markup like a <blockquote> and a horizontal rule <hr>.

· Portfolio thumbnails: Things can start to get a little more complex now, but don't forget; you're not actually styling any of this, you're just trying to structure the building blocks in the cleanest and most logical way possible. In this case, you could use an unordered list <ul>, with list items <li> to hold each of the thumbnails. Each thumbnail would likely comprise an image <img src="" alt=""> (which will give you chance to play with the src and alt attributes) wrapped in an anchor <a href="">which will link to a larger version. Plenty of nesting goodness there.

Swot up on Markup

Now you're comfortable building HTML structure, it's time to improve your vocabulary. Whilst writing markup you need as many element tags at your disposal as possible (and there are quite a few).

Here are some solid resources which cover HTML elements and their intended purposes:

· HTML5 Doctor, helping you implement HTML5 today is a collaboration by some of the industry's keenest minds, making clear how we should be using semantic HTML.

· HTML Elements on Mozilla. Note the little 5 icons by some of the elements? They denote that those elements are recent additions to the HTML specification, currently referred to as HTML5.

Read a Book

At this stage in your HTML journey, take time to get hold of a couple of reference books. I recommend:

· HTML & CSS Design and Build Websites - worth getting hold of for the presentation quality amongst other things.

· Decoding HTML5 from Rockable Press - This book offers a great insight into the political workings behind HTML standards.

· HTML5 FOR WEB DESIGNERS from A Book Apart - If you don't yet own an A Book Apart publication, this is as good a time as any to introduce yourself.

· Introducing HTML5 by Bruce Lawson and Remy Sharp - starts to get a little complex in terms of other functionality HTML5 offers, but this is one HTML book definitely worth checking out.

These skills tend to complement each other. Learning just one will limit what projects you can work on and also make you reliant on other developers.

The first question you need to ask yourself is whether you want to be a back end or front end programmer. If you dont want to commit at this stage then Javascript, which can do both, is a great bridging skill.

I would suggest you then start with HTML, then CSS and then Javascript - the progression here is gentle and will ensure you dont get buried with new concepts from the beginning.

Learning Javascript is also a good idea because it is really hot at the moment. Many of the trending new frameworks, like node and angular, are based around Javascript. Once you learn these skills you will really increase your earning potential - not to mention the chances of working on exciting commercial projects.

JavaScript is the only language I know where it's presented as normal and reasonable for newcomers to learn both the language and a major API at the same time. If you want to nail down fundamentals, learn JavaScript as a programming language first, then tackle the DOM.

Get familiar with JavaScript syntax and operations, and use it to solve some basic programming problems like those at Project Euler. You can do all output via console.log() without having to touch the DOM at all.  Once you feel good about your basic JS skills, then dip into HTML and CSS to get familiar with the following:


· Semantic structure versus presentation

· Document flow order / tree structure

· The difference between block and inline elements


· Addressing elements with selectors

· The box model

· Floats and clears

Then take on the DOM API. The methods you'll encounter there will be primarily concerned with selecting elements and manipulating their appearance and content. To do that you'll need to either address them directly via CSS-like selectors, or walk the document tree--both of which should be familiar from the above lists.

The only other big piece you'll need to pick up is working with events. JavaScript within a browser (and inside something like Node) is driven largely by an event loop--waiting for something measurable to happen and then reacting to it. You'll need to understand what events can be listened for, how to construct callback functions to handle them, and how to bind those callbacks to elements of the DOM. Thankfully, if you've gotten comfortable with selecting DOM elements and writing functions, you're well on your way to understanding callbacks and listeners.


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