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Best Quora Answers On Email Template Design

If you don't already have the template, go to their site and get it so that you can follow along. This blog is intended to illustrate how to apply responsive design
Visit Hereto an existing Email Template Design Services.

Check out our samples of this email before and after adding responsive design.

1. Add a Style Block.

If you don't already have a style block, you're going to need one. This is where the media queries go, and that's what is going to make your email responsive. A media query is a conditional statement that contains extra CSS rules to change the appearance of the email when the conditions in the statement are met. For this email, we're going to use the same media queries that we used in our Responsive Template.

The first media query will trigger for screens of less than 640 pixels in width. The second query triggers for screens of less than 479 pixels in width. For more on min/max width, check out this blog. The query that triggers on smaller screens comes last so that it will take precedence over the earlier CSS rules in the block. We're going to place our styles inside these media queries in the later steps.

2. Add the Yahoo! Fix.

This step is no longer necessary, as this was fixed by Yahoo

3. Control the Width of the Container Element.

We need to control the width of the containing element, so that the email slims down to a single column on smaller devices. To start, let's identify the parts of the email that determine its width.

If you save your file and resize the window now, you won't be able to see any changes. That's because resizing the container element isn't the only thing we need to do to make the email reach the correct width.

4. Add New Classes to Relevant Images.

Some of the images in this email are so wide (more than 440 or 280 pixels wide, respectively) that they're going to break out of the new sizes for the table that we picked in step 2. We're going to add some special classes to help us resize them.

If we leave that height attribute, the image will look stretched to reach that height. On the other hand, if we don't specify a height, it will automatically maintain its ratio.

When you resize the window, you should see the blue bar and horizontal rules get small enough to accomodate the new responsive behaviors. The email won't get any smaller, though, because the table structure is still keeping it at the same size. In the next step, we'll add a style to make the tables stack under each other.

5. Make some TDs Display:Block.

Most email designers use a table structure to create a "float:left" type effect for their content blocks. In this case, we have a sidebar on the right that will need to move under the rest of the content for the smaller views. Luckily for us, this is actually a pretty easy trick. We'll just add a style to the containing TDs, in this case there are two of them. The TD containing the content on the left is width 58%, and the right side TD is width 35%.

6. Fix Percent-Based TDs

Notice that we only need to add this style to the first media query, because anything that triggers the second query will also trigger the first. Our email is looking pretty good now! We do still have a few lingering problems to clean up.

7. Finishing Touches.

If you've been following these directions faithfully, you'll see there are still a few problems. A remnant of the dashed border that separated the left and right columns can still be seen, as well as the image from the right column just floating in space. Let's hide both of these things in the mobile view, to clean it up a bit. The following technique can be used to hide almost any element of the email that you don't want to show on mobile, if applied carefully. Be wary of removing whole table rows or cells, as this can sometimes mess with the rest of the structure of a table.

To Code a Responsive template you will have to code it for multiple devices and screens

Designing the template from scratch will be a daunting task so I suggest you to use some email boilerplates to start with.

I am adding some resources which will surely be helpful if you are going to design Responsive Email Templates:

Before you start designing HTML email, you should familiarize yourself with how it works, including what tools youll need to make it work well. Refer Email Design Reference

Here is a great Email Design Reference from MailChimp

Some Other references: brettdewoody/Responsive-Email-Boilerplate

This from Zurb Foundation Responsive Email Templates

Email Blueprints from mailchimp mailchimp/email-blueprints


This from Campaign Monitor : HTML Email Design Guidelines

You may search some of email boilerplates that might be helpful to you on github

For creating responsive email template design you must have responsive email builder tool.

Below I am listing a Blog that includes best responsive email builder tool using which you can easily make beautiful & attractive email templates for your own.

-> Best Email Template Builder Tools 2017

The best thing about such tools is- They All Are Free

I picked MailGet Boltfrom the list because it gives me so many interesting email creation options using which I can easilybuild email template for me & send them to millions of my customers.

I can find <Headings> where I can provide focus text to grab user's attention, <TEXT> where I can write desired content in multiple styles, <Images> upload catchy images, 2 & 3 Image Text column, <Color> personalize favorite color for various field i.e text, body background, button, content, and many more email creation tools.Even, the installation setup of MailGet Bolt is very easy & don't want anyhosting platform such as I can create my email templates easily & quickly.


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Helping compose email template design. Large number of confused create a marketing email. An effective newsletter software will provide thousands of email template designs assist you to marketer preserve time from writing e mail.

To Know more about Email Template Design Visit Here


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