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Bakersfield California Real Estate



Bakersfield has a populace of 247,057. It has turned into a well known spot for guests on the way to and from Las Vegas and Los Angeles, who stop for open air experiences, for example, whitewater boating on the Kern River or sight-seeing ballooning over the San Joaquin Valley.




Bakersfield, California, is situated in Kern County, 100 miles NW of Los Angeles, California. Bakersfield has a populace of 247,057. It has turned into a prominent spot for guests in transit to and from Las Vegas and Los Angeles, who stop for open air undertakings, for example, whitewater boating on the Kern River or sight-seeing ballooning over the San Joaquin Valley To know more about this application you can visit this link : real estate app development



Farming is lord in Bakersfield. The locale develops more than 250 kinds of harvests, with around 30 sorts of products of the soil, 40 sorts of vegetables, and more than 20 field yields. Wood, animals, poultry and dairy items are likewise huge ventures here. The zone is additionally home to the California State University, and Bakersfield College, and various historical centers and displays.


Bakersfield Homes


Bakersfield properties pool is 83,428 private properties including Bakersfield new homes. The middle time of land in Bakersfield is 1979. The normal family unit measure is 3.41 individuals. 3% are one room homes, 14% are 2 room homes, 56% are 3 room homes, 22% are 4 room homes, and 2% are 5+ room homes.


Bakersfield Mortgage Statistics


Homes With No Mortgage 18%


Homes With Mortgage 82%


First Mortgage Only 63%


First and Second Mortgage or HELOC 19%


Bakersfield Area Real Estate Tax


Bakersfield Real domain Tax: Median Real Estate Taxes (2000) were $1,422 contrasting with 1999 Median Family salary $ 45,556. Contrast with USA middle yearly Real Estate Tax $1,300 and USA middle Family Income $42,000 (1999).


Bakersfield School District: Children make up 32.7% of Bakersfield populace. Bakersfield has 80,683 under 18 years of age inhabitants, or 0.81 children per one laborer, or 0.97 children per one family unit.


Bakersfield Real Estate and Bakersfield Homeownership


There are 18354.16 or 22% one individual family units, 23359.84 or 28% two man families, and 14182.76 or 17% three man families in Bakersfield, California. Middle inhabitants age is 30.1, Senior residents (65+) make up 21,681 or 8.8%% of Bakersfield populace.


There are 99,769 laborers (more than 16 years old) in Bakersfield. Of these, 92.68% drive to work. Around 1.73% of laborers in Bakersfield take open transportation. An expected 1.32% stroll to work.


Middle Bakersfield property holder's lodging costs are 22%


Wrongdoing in Bakersfield (2003), violations per 10,000 occupants for every year


Brutal Crimes 61.28


Burglaries 17.77


Exasperated Assaults 40.88


Property Crimes 570.8


Thefts 109


Burglary Thefts 381.09


Engine Vehicle Thefts 80.71


Put resources into Bakersfield Properties


When settling on a choice about purchasing land in Bakersfield California zone, you ought to think about the accompanying factual information:


Close Medium City


Close Large City Los Angeles, California


Bakersfield Area Codes 661


White populace 61.87%


African-American populace 9.16%


Asian 4.33%


Native American and Alaskan


Hispanic (of any race) 32.45%


Middle Family Income (1999) $ 45,556%


Populace Below Poverty Level 17.72%


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